Thursday, May 13, 2004

Mutual admiration society

My links are back. (thanks Jess)

If you look closely at the sidebar you may notice that I currently have links to four people. Three of those people are friends: two of whom I talk to almost daily - in person, on the phone or online, and one who for some bizarre reason insists on living somewhere else - he can be a pain that way - and who emails sporadically at best.

(The other link is a blog for someone I don't know personally at all but who, perhaps not so coincidentally, three of the four of us have linked.)

It is mostly the voices of these three folks that you will hear in my comments section. So far.

Because so far it would seem that they are the only people who read me; and Nick thinks we're the only people who read him. Jess gets alot more comments, has alot more links and has been at this a whole lot longer than the rest of us.

It sometimes seems odd to me that I seemingly write for this small audience of people who already know me so well. And also that I read their words religiously, and carefully, each and every day, when I talk to them at least as often. I guess I'm just interested in hearing them, in knowing them. And this is just another way in which we are all becoming better acquainted.

I adore these folks. Hopefully more people will come along and enjoy our bantering comment conversations (maybe some of you already do)Or maybe it'll always be just us - if that's what it is. I actually think there are more people out there who are just more quiet than we (motormouths and cyber geeks) are.


Not-so-instant recognition

Last night I passed a guy on the street who I lived with for a year - 10 years ago. We did the whole "I know that person, why do I know that person?" stare but ultimately didn't acknowledge each other. Now I'm a bit freaked out by the whole thing.

This was not just a roommate, this was a relationship - and a long one. I don't know what freaks me out the most: that it would seem he did not get to the recognition stage; that it took me as long as it did to recognize someone who once was incredibly significant to me; or.... that once I thought about it, I realized that sufficient time had passed for both of these things to make sense. (And we ARE on the other side of the country - what are the odds?)

I suppose he could be asking himself these same questions today... who knows? Or maybe now it'll be blue car syndrome and I'll run into him everywhere. Again - what are the odds?


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Landlocked mermaid swimming home...

So I'm going home in a little over 5 weeks. To my childhood home. Well, my all-my-life-up-until-three-years-ago-home. I mean I lived different places in the Maritimes, even a different province (but let's ignore that part) but I always lived in the Maritimes - never more than 20 minutes from an ocean view. Up until three years ago...coming up on that anniversary too but we'll leave that for another day.

I'm going home for my best friend Janet's wedding. She's marrying a guy from Puerto Rico and his family is coming north for the wedding. Not only am I looking forward to the wedding ( oceanside of course) and to seeing all the folks who I miss from home (including - maybe - an ex but again a story for another day); but I'm also really excited about helping Janet play hostess to a bunch of people who've never been to Canada. I get to play tourist and tour guide all at once! (And practice my very rusty Spanish at the same time!)

So far the agenda includes whale watching, sea kayaking, the obligatory Peggy's Cove trek, likely a Concert on the Hill and some Canada Day fireworks! It's been awhile since I've enjoyed the bounty of ocean-y delights in the summer months. I'm pretty psyched! If I remember correctly, it's quite different than at Christmas time.


Sometimes I wonder....

...if there will ever come a time when Oz and Willow don't make me cry.

[I am indeed a sentimental ol' fool when it comes to the Whedon shows]


Monday, May 10, 2004

new look, lost links

Hey all!

So the blogger update has resulted in this slightly more ocean-side look for the blog. I like it alot. But somewhere along the way all the links wwent away and so I have to put them all back manually and I kinda suck at the ol' html stuff so I'm going to wait until one of my more web-savvy pals has a moment or two to help me figure it out.

Until then, can't you almost hear the waves now? I can. Or maybe that's just my excitement building over actually hearing them in a little over a month...


Sunday, May 09, 2004

deliberate transparency

FYI: My last post was not supposed to be a mystery. Anyone who knows me would likely know exactly who and what I was talking about. It was simply my way to say what I wanted to say in a more public and lasting way.

I generally don't use names here, for a variety of reasons but mostly I just think they're unnecessary for the purpose, my purpose, of this blog. If someone reading this knows me and my life well enough to know the exact situation or person that I'm talking about - then they don't really need the names. And if someone reading this doesn't know me or my world on that personal level... well, the names would be meaningless wouldn't they?

But if it's necessary here it is: synopsis of previous post without the sentiment:

My friend Jess (The Milkcrate) has a boyfriend who is moving away. He is moving to a city I happen to like quite a bit and so my sadness that he is moving is also mixed up with a bit of excitement for him. I was thinking about all of it (plus some history that I choose not to write about here) and the fact that I haven't really verbalized it the way I'd wanted to. So I wrote it here, in my blog, where I write things that I think about, and things I feel, for other people to read (or not read).

So that's it - in black and white. Maybe it was unnecessary to explain this. Maybe I'm taking something the wrong way. Maybe it was just sarcasm gone awry. But I honestly felt hurt and like I needed to explain or justify or defend what and how I write here. Maybe I just don't take criticism well, but I suddenly felt like an indie CD with too-large-print on my spine.

I kinda hope I'm just taking it the wrong way.

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