Saturday, January 14, 2006


missing pieces.
tradition undone.
half conversations with too much left unsaid.
painful misinterpretations.
change never prepared for.
a season ends. (i guess.)
though it makes me feel foolish.
i miss you.
a stupid amount.


Friday, January 13, 2006

rare moment indeed

You know when you're in a really excited and hyper frame of mind and it seems no one else is there with ya? When you want nothing more than to go out dancing and everyone else wants to stay home and watch movies? When you finally feel better after being sick for a week and everyone else seems to be just coming down with a cold? When you want to crank the tunes really loud and everyone else is busy "concentrating"? When a spur of the moment road trip seems like exactly the thing to do and you can't find anyone to go with you?

I hate that.

I am happy and hyper and not "too busy" so rarely these days. Seems a shame to waste it.

And I so often at least try to rise to the occasion when it's the other way around.



recipe for a pretty decent day

coffee, treats, really good oranges.
my techs are back. new hair.
shirtless actors who make me laugh.
lunch with my gal pal. discussion of said actors and practice flirting.
more shirtless actors making me laugh.
dinner with my favorite kids (and their dad).
music by one of my favorite music makers.
FINALLY a post holiday group grope.
dancing dancing dancing

good day all around methinks.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

random thought

I think it would be funny if celebrities named their offspring the nicknames that the press gives them as a couple. I'm not going to mention them here what with search engines getting ridiculous hits for this blog but I think it would be funny. More amusing than say.... Apple.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

danger: thin ice

Brittle like re-frozen ice.
Sharp edges where I broke through, make it all the more dangerous, all the more painful.
Wish I’d been wiser when I took those first tentative steps.
Maybe I wouldn’t have fallen through if I’d opened my eyes to what thin ice it really was.

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