Monday, April 04, 2005

Conversation I had today with two different people

Me: "are you ok?"

Them: "Yes I'm fine."

pause while I look at them (or in one case: pause as I consider just how not ok they sound over the phone) in disbelief.

Me: "Are you sure you're ok?"

Them: "Yes I'm fine"

Me: "Would you tell me if you weren't?"

and this is the only place they differ

He: "Yes, I would" (laughs finally)

She: "No."

From this I learn:

a) I'm SUCH a girl.
b) I have a tendency to over-nurture.
c) I am uncomfortable with people being in obvious "moods" and not being told why.
d) I just really don't like people I care about seeming like something really awful has happened and not being able to share it...because I think this would make them feel better (see point (a)).


I hate it when that happens.

I had this great blog post in my brain. I mean, it was right there, waiting to come out and be incredibly amusing, or unimaginably beautiful, or unbelievably profound or.... well, something along those lines. But I had NO TIME to sit down and write it, not even freehand in a notebook to be typed in later. And now I've lost it, the mood has passed (boy has it passed) and it's gone.

damn it.

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