Friday, September 24, 2004

oh yeah....

... I forgot to mention, my voice came back. Thankfully. I can now ramble on endlessly once more. The natural balance has been restored.


Twice in the last week I have been overwhelmed by gratitude.
Gratitude over a simple and somewhat silly thing.
I am grateful that I have some friends with whom I don't have to be embarrassed when my eyes well uncontrollably over a tv show, or even an awards show.... friends who had as much fun as I did the night we watched the Duran Duran DVDs... friends who also cry when someone (even an extra or a guest star) dies on ER.

Maybe that's silly. But I truly love those girls.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Random laryngitis post #2

I watched a new TV show last night. It's called Lost. I liked it. It has Dominic Monaghan in it - my favorite Hobbit.

It's about a group of people who's plane goes way off course and crashes on a deserted island. There are hints of something ominous hidden in the rainforest - things crash through the trees and make strange noises. And then something drags the pilot out through the broken window of the nose of the plane and leaves him bloody in the top of a tree. I am a bit worried about the possibility it will become lame but the first episode kept me on the edge of my seat and thoroughly entertained.

But if it's dinosaurs, I'm done.


Random laryngitis post #1

Alternate Title: why he always deserves chocolate chip cookies

I got the new Luke Doucet live record yesterday. I listened to it three times back to back and wished for an excuse for a road trip so as to listen to it properly in a car on a long windy country road. I love it because it's Luke and he's brilliant and this is no exception. He may in fact be my favorite singer/songwriter out there - and he's most assuredly my favorite guitar player.

But it's almost too clean... it comes very close to losing the feel of a live record. Now I don't know if this is testament to his talent or simply a fact of the recording process in this age of computer editing and such... The crowd bit between songs seem awfully polite and mild mannered - and having been to one or two of his shows, I know for a fact that the audience tends to cheer harder and longer and with more whoops and whistles...

But it's a great album! He has made me finally fall in love with Pedro. It was a slow process but I fell with an almost audible clunk when the first notes of this version came through the speakers. And there's a Tom Waits cover I just love... and he finally recorded Annie Lu... and ... oh I should just stop. I love the record ok? Everyone should buy it.

End of rant.



I've lost my voice. Not metaphorically but for real. I've never had this happen before and it's unbelievably unpleasant for me. (those who know me know how true this is, although under some circumstances maybe they'd welcome a speechless me).

I am not very good at not talking. But apparently I'm not supposed to whisper - it can make it worse. So if I write a bunch of random things today... this is my only means of communication.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

the manliest of them all ;-)

Mike has a blog!! This is wonderful! It'll be like he never even left.

Oh, except for the hugs, and his man's man presence, and his bordering-on-offensive comments (that are somehow mostly endearing), and his disc golf competitiveness, and his comic book shirts, and... ok so I still miss Mike.

But at least he has a blog now...

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