Friday, December 17, 2004

Nothing could make me happier

serenidipity smiled and plans were made.
(although he always says not to plan...)
It's like an early Christmas present.
I'm very excited now. And the smile comes back to my lips.


And another thing! T's rant o' the day

As I mentioned yesterday, I watched the Scorpion King recently (don't ask, I've been sick and stuck at home). So I watched it on VHS and before the movie started there was an announcement of "extra value bonus material" at the end of the movie. How exciting!

It's a Godsmack video.

Now, I am of a mind that this actually decreases the value of the video but then I realized - on top of this - there's a soundtrack album for this movie!! Now I remember there being a song during the opening credits, two during the closing credits...(and a bunch of background music but I don't think it was actually any of the bands on the album.) My question is: what the hell?! How is there a soundtrack album? I don't get it. What is it "music INSPIRED BY the Scorpion King"? Considering that it's bands like Creed, Mushroomhead and the aforementioned Godsmack I'm not sure there's anything "inspired" about it.

I also don't get how the Scorpion King is a bad guy in the Mummy movies and a good guy in this...


Thursday, December 16, 2004

I don't know why this bugs me so much...

So a bar in the city where I live is having a big bash on New Year's Eve and they're calling it "Mardi Gras."

My question is: Are they stupid? Or do they actually think "mardi gras" translates to "big party"? I don't get it. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is not an arbitrary date or event. It's the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday...or if you want to loosen it up a bit - it's the carnival season in New Orleans lasting from mid January until midnight on Fat Tuesday.

It's NOT just some random day when you throw a big party!

(I really don't know why this had me so worked up... I was also planning a rant about the fact that in The Scorpion King, The Rock is from a group called the Akkadians but then I looked it up and there really was an ancient tribe called Akkadians.... but Mardi Gras is Mardi Gras damn it!)


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

delerium writing

I've been quite sick over the last few days. Possibly the sickest I remember being as an adult. Last night when I was drugged out and feverish I wrote some very swirly, abstract poetry. I kind of like it and I may post some here at a later date. It's funny where my mind went. Although I do talk a fair bit about dying...

It's times like these I'm both a bit sad and awfully relieved that I don't actually have a computer at home. Who knows what i would have sent to people!


Quiz about me!

Alright I'm a bandwagon jumper....
Take my Quiz on!


there he was...gone

My living room seems strangely big and empty. I thought the "no clutter" look would make me happy (it's supposed to according to the Feng shui book she gave him) but it just seems sterile and lonely. The quiet I craved isn't quite as peaceful as I'd thought it would be. (It never is really).

I miss him already. I hope it's not another two years before I see him again.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

those words...

The words wash over me, running through my mind like a puzzle... something I need to decipher. I love this feeling of involvement, of being connected to the words, connected to the writer. I wrap myself in them like a blanket; I fall asleep with them keeping me warm.

I don't know why these words keep my mind so occupied. I don't know why I need to look deeper than their surface.

I have been fascinated by the words...most often words set to music...for as long as I remember. This is simply a new source of words. A new puzzle to solve. A new story to immerse myself in. One I am enjoying...more than I can say.

Strangely I haven't the words.

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