Saturday, January 03, 2004

Nonsensical (perhaps?) Bluster

Today I am irked. And sadly, the thing that is causing this negativity of thought negativity. Self-deprecation can only go so far. After awhile it's not endearing anymore.


Friday, January 02, 2004

Old Lang's Sign!!

During the Holly-daze of the past couple of weeks I have spent much quality time (though in most cases not quite enough) with many different people I adore for many different reasons.

It all culminated in an unqualified success of a New Year's Eve! New Year's Eve, being one of those celebrations that can be derailed by expectations, has become almost a chore - I MUST have a good time, I MUST have someone to kiss at midnight, I MUST have the right dress for the occasion. blah blah blah

Well, this year I pulled something out of my closet that I've worn before, refused to even plan what roof would be over our heads (told you it would be fine) , and road tripped with some of my favorite friends (although initially we all thought it might be a weird mix) to see some of my favorite folks make music and make merry! And it was fantastic! No pressure, no expectations, just a dandy great time!

And it being a time of reflection, and my life being less than perfect, what I choose to reflect on is the magnificent people I have in my life. And they are many. Some are still too far away for my tastes. Some I see not nearly often enough. Many are here in this frozen flat province I have come home to. But all of them are loved.

Happy 2004!

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