Friday, August 18, 2006

crazy but not cool.

I am really not cool enough for my life.

Today was just that kind of a day. And by "that kind of a day" I don't mean the kind of day that I realize how cool my life is... I mean the kind where I realize how cool I am not.

In oh so many ways.


On a totally seperate note: I am about to embark on a house-sit gig that involves six dogs, four cats, three turtles, a room full of birds and oh yeah, two teenagers. I may be insane. But it will mean a nice chunk of change. Which I need right now.


I am often envious of your ability to simply disappear. To drop off the earth and seemingly leave it all behind.

My connections to people are unfortunately too strong for that.

And I'm not sure which of us is the stronger for it.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

because I feel like I should say something

Sometimes I wish I had never told anyone about this blog. I want to have one of those rants that I once had about something that happened in my life but too many people read this thing now. (Note: not-so-much my personal life as my work life)


My festival is over. My main summer focus came and went like the blink of an eye this year. It seemed too fast to even get focused, or to let go and just experience it... sadly I enjoyed this one less. And I'm not sure why.

One thing: The hail on the what was and would be again sunny Saturday was surreal and provided possibly my favourite moment of the weekend. There's something about just dancing with the hippies to get warm and dry that just reduced it all down the the barest essentials. I wish that had stuck.


And now it's back to work. Joy.

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