Wednesday, May 25, 2005

blanket statements

I have trouble with blanket statements...or statements I perceive as blanket statements. I will defend the minority within a blanket statement until I am blue in the face. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it is a character flaw on my part.

And I realize you weren't really making blanket statements. But I hope we can always bicker our way around that circle until I realize you did not actually make a blanket statement and I do not actually have to defend anyone. Until I laugh and realize once again that you are really one of my favourite people in all the world.


just breathe

I walked out into the never-darkness of my street and all I could smell were lilacs. This doesn't often happen in a city where the smells of the night are many and generally more of the man-made variety. But last night, by some miracle of wind currents and pollen dispersal; the magical night air was full of lilacs on the freshest of breezes. Not a heavy, overbearing smell....but perfect, hint-of, just-enough lilacs.

Which is one of my favourite smells in the world.

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