Saturday, November 15, 2003

T. Goes to The Fair

Why on earth are they called career fairs? As if you could go in and win yourself a career (and thus an illustrious future) by throwing a ring over a floating bottle or getting the too big basketball to actually go through the too small hoop. That's not how it works. There wasn't even cotton candy or funnel cakes.

And don't you think that a "career fair" where presumably people are looking for work because they are unemployed, or seeking out a career direction because they are starving students about to graduate should not cost $6.00 TO PARK!!

At this point I'm not really enjoying this seemingly constant state of transition I've been in. But hey - I picked up a great looking pamphlet on long haul trucking....


Friday, November 14, 2003

Purging Nightmares

Every once in awhile the nightmares still come. A blight on an otherwise lovely day. I am left with that shivering shaky feeling even with this unexpected November sun. Only vague images this time, I know what they are, know where the dreams come from, but I wonder what triggered them this time around. Nothing conscious, I know this. But now thoughts and rememberances I don't want intrude on my day.

Perhaps the unexpected warmth of the sun in the bright blue sky and this action of acknowledgment will drive them away.


Tuesday, November 11, 2003

New tunes

I love this feeling. The feeling that washes over me when a new CD totally captures me. Like the warmth that spreads through your body from a well made Irish coffee. We are previewing the new Andrea House CD here at work today, and her golden voice is washing over me like the warmest waves in the Gulf of Mexico. A perfect accompaniment to this sunny fall day. So pretty. Been waiting awhile for this one.

Gotta go listen... close your eyes and just sway...


Sunday, November 09, 2003

oh dear, what have I done?

Wow, that was wierd.

I was wondering what a certain old friend was up to these days, someone I hadn't talked to in awhile, who was part of a rather...shall we say turbulent... part of my life. And through the magic of cyberspace (and due to the fact that I was little bored), I decided to see if I could find him. I know on all the TV shows they show people googling potential dates or people they meet but it still feels kind of sneaky to me in a way. Nosy. But this person is in a profession where you tend to be quite visible, where chances are, you have a website and lo and behold there he was. Looking exactly the same.

So I've found him, now what? Well I emailed him! And now I'm paralyzed with the thought that this wasn't such a good idea.

Before anyone jumps to any conclusions this is NOT an Ex. Nor is it someone I would want to date (although I may have at one time wanted to). But he IS connected to a part of my life I've been studiously avoiding since I left it. And now I've reached back there... it's a strange step for me to take at this time... a scary step.

But maybe it'll all get lost in cyberspace...maybe he won't get the email... maybe he won't reply... maybe there's nothing to worry about.


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