Thursday, October 07, 2004

"Nobody Move...this is perfect."*

There are no words.

"Wow, that was a great show!" repeated every 20 minutes on the 3 hour drive home was the only - completely inadequate - expression that we could muster for just how good it was.

And I'm not sure if the pictures will capture the spontaneous hilarity that ensued during the encore but I hope so...

*Danny Michel - Perfect, from the album: Tales from the Invisible Man.


In case anyone was wondering....

Here's some stuff about the show (not the music show I went to last night; the show at the theatre):

The cover article for Vue.

Preview article in the Journal.

We're sold out for the first few nights. Tonight's the big gala opening night event. The place is abuzz with excitement... and I will always be the sentimental fool who cries at opening nights. (May I never be too jaded to do so.)


Tuesday, October 05, 2004


A preview tonight, a preview tomorrow (or an absence from it since I'm road tripping a bit) and then..... our big opening night party!! The Show looks and sounds fabulous. I'm vascillating between panic and excitement, most often a mixture of the two.

Must go hyperventillate now.


Monday, October 04, 2004


that's back to the good, excitement-filled kind of stress release scream. Just so you know.

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