Friday, February 04, 2005

Finally an honest headline

Today my Yahoo news said:

"Bush to Seek $#@3^6 419.3 Billion for Defense"

I know it's a typo or some sort of glitch but I think that's funny.


new word

Comment envy (n.) - the jealousy-like emotion felt when reading the blogs of others and noticing how many more comments they have in comparison to yours. (see also Green Eyed blog monster)


Thursday, February 03, 2005


~Today I wore summer shoes. It may be pushing it a bit but I couldn't resist any longer. and sadly, now my toes are cold

~Sometimes I have irrational moments where I think the people in my life don't really like me much.

~Sometimes I care too much about things.

~With the exception of hormonal and blood-sugar related mood swings, if I am sad or angry, it is usually about something.


words again

Intelligent, smart, intellectual, clever.

Maybe these words would be grouped together in a thesaurus. But I feel very differently about them; like they mean entirely different things.

Clever (adj.) - mentally quick and original, quick witted.

Intellectual (adj.) - a. Of or relating to the intellect.
b. Rational rather than emotional.

Smart (adj.) - Characterized by sharp quick thought; bright.
Amusingly clever; witty

Intelligent (adj.) - Having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute. Showing sound judgment and rationality.

For some reason both clever and intellectual seem condescending (or maybe clever, intellectual type people tend to be condescending), while intelligent and smart are adjectives that I quite enjoy.

I'd much rather be intelligent than intellectual...

Maybe it's because I'm not very good at intellectualizing things.


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

We interrupt these words...

I’ve always had trouble with distance (especially, but not exclusively, the emotional kind).
I want to always be understanding, but also to be understood (it bugs me when I’m not).
I have difficulty with expressing my occasional melancholy (it’s something I frequently don’t understand).
And when melancholy hits the ones around me, I want to know why (even if it’s something I might not understand).
I wish people would tell me. Everything. (even the painful words are easier to deal with than stunted silence).
I especially miss it when people who once did (in my perception anyway) suddenly stop.

There is little realistic expectation attached. These desires are based on ideals.


words I like

Rogue ~ scoundrel ~ cheeky ~ troubador ~ tart ~ binterong ~ tomfoolery ~ schooner ~ mandolin ~ skunk (also skink) ~ rapscallion ~ herky jerky ~ tango ~ raven ~ polka ~ Ponoka ~ brazen (but not hussy) ~ Alburquerque ~ Musquodoboit (because it's not pronounced even close to what you think) ~ twilight ~ hullabaloo ~ outlaw ~ meerkat ~ hodgepodge

I don't know why.

I'm sure there are more... but that's a start.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005


The other day I mentioned that I don't like the word inappropriate. That I hear a sneer in that word. I've been thinking about whether or not it is odd to have an emotional feeling towards a word. But I can list a gaggle of words that I really enjoy (gaggle being one of those). Words that I like for no other reason than how they roll off my tongue; the sound they make; the image they create in my mind; sometimes simply what they mean is the why I like them.

I remember when I was young, I had it in my head that I wanted to change my name to Alburquerque because I liked how it sounded. (Alburquerque Poindexter Cacdac actually - don't ask - I remember the Poindexter had something to do with the Oliver North scandal, and the Cacdac was a doctor who...did something...??).

I think I might talk about words for a couple days. I've been thinking about them lately. But I don't have enough time to tell you all my thoughts right now...and I'm sure they'll be fascinating. (incidentally I like the word fascination but not really fascinating...what's that about?)

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