Friday, November 04, 2005

luckiest girl in the world

I am very lucky.
Hello lucky stars - thankyou!
Hi there blessings - I'm not sure I can count all of you.

I need to remember this. I need to save this feeling for all of those times when life throws me for a loop. I need to cherish it, and the reasons for it as much as it is possible to do so. I want to be able to wrap myself in the memories like a warm flannel blanket when I need a little extra comfort and joy.


Thursday, November 03, 2005


Today I stand, smiling up into the sunshine. And although I know it does not shine for me (not for me alone) I am beyond grateful to be touched by the warmth of it. Sometimes just to be touched by it is enough.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Remember when you were a kid, how if you wanted something to come more quickly, you'd try really hard to go to sleep because time seemed to pass more quickly if you were asleep? Like on long drives when you just wanted to get there. Or the day before Christmas (no wonder you couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve.)

Well I think I want to go home and have a nap.

This day is just crawling.


out of the loopy

I wonder why I feel this way. Why I have this extreme feeling that I'm out of the loop on something . Why do I suddenly think I missed something important and now have been left behind. Like I had a test that I not only didn't study for but didn't show up for and now I'm a unit behind. And I don't understand how everyone else is on the same page when I can't figure out what book they're reading.


Monday, October 31, 2005

what happens next

I am having one of those days. I am so looking forward to what happens next that I am having a very difficult time staying in the present. And I have a shitload of work to do in my present, in order to be completely available for what happens next. I am stuck in between the dreamy, smiling anticipation and the frustration of overwhelming workload.

Must focus. Must get things done.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Had a post planned about something that happened that surprised me. Something that kind of hurt. But I don't think I care enough to write about it. And I'm not sure if that's good or bad. The steam has dissipated. All that's left is a weary acceptance. And for someone whose emotions tend to be a bit on the fiery side, weary never feels quite right.

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