Friday, November 26, 2004

something I need to remember...

Coffee is not food.

(sadly, I even looked it up, hoping it had some nutritional value. It doesn't.)


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Abstract Random Poet

Ah, you are still there.

In abstract random poet mode, you speak to me in words I don't always understand. But I feel those words, always. And I love them. I love the words as though they were entities of themselves, very small unknowable parts of you that somehow float in the ether until they reach my ears.

I sometimes even love the distance between them.

(But not often.)


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Fuschia Mohawk (or: The Men in My Life - part 3)

Like a vibrant ray of sunshine, he brightens my day just by walking in the room. Has since the day I met him. I can't explain it but he instantly became one of my favorite people in the city. He sparkles. (And honestly, he brightens my day regardless of his hair colour which has been numerous shades of red, blue and oh-my-god blonde, actually just blonde... once). Even before I knew him very well (I'm still not sure I know him very well but better than that first show, way back know - the fish show?) even back then, he was somehow one of those people who you instinctually adore - you know what I mean?

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