Thursday, May 19, 2005


Yesterday I got a plant. Well, two plants in one pot.

This is the first lving thing I have bought since arriving here in my adopted city. In my old city I had many plants, most of which I had rescued from places they were not being cared for. In fact I had to leave them behind mostly due to the fact that they essentially filled my car all by themselves - hard to drive across the country with only plants.

But for some reason it has taken me almost four years to take another living thing into my house.

I think this may be significant.

Either way, they're pretty. And somehow my apartment feels even more like home now.



Feels like summer.

Announcements of line-ups for festivals make me smile and shiver with anticipation. But strangely, often it is the unknown quantity that ends up being the most exciting.

Sun shining. Jeans become unbearable. Wanting to walk barefoot. Wishing for the disc golf game to finally happen.

How about Sunday?


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

48 hours alone, mostly in a car, with your parents is too much. No matter how well you get along.

My parents get up at 6:30 a.m. They are currently visiting me for 10 days. I, generally, do not get up at 6:30 a.m. unless it is because I have not gone to sleep yet. My schedule is quite frankly screwed at this moment.

I love my parents. We are having a grand time. I am really glad they finally made it out here to visit and that they seem reasonably pleased with it all.

But dear lord I'm tired.

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