The next 6 days:
Today – work 8 hours at my theatre then go work a casino for another theatre for 9 hours
Tomorrow – same as today with a lunchdate thrown in
Thursday – work, coffee with friend, work merch table for rock stars in the evening until wee hours of morning
Friday – pick up different rock star at airport, drive 5 hours to music festival, find Laurie, pitch tent, listen to great music with great people and perhaps drink some beer
Saturday – more music – ALL DAY – until late at night
Saturday night/Sunday morning – drive back 5 hours from music festival in time to be at Rock and Roll show at the big car race
Sunday – Rock show – sell CDs and Tshirts to thousands of people!
Monday – put in full day volunteering for other music festival
OK, I’m either insane or very poor at time management.
Either way - caffiene is my friend.