Monday, January 26, 2004

Does anyone else find it strange that the spellcheck for blogger does not recognize the word "blog"? Or "spellcheck" apparently.... go figure.


I've decided I want to change the look my blog. I am a bit limited in that my html knowledge is not great and I'm not sure how to do any of the changes I can envision in my head but I want to make this space more mine and less cookie cutter. Not sure why, except that this is something that's kind of bugged me since I started and maybe I am looking for one more way to procrastinate today... who knows?

Whatever the reason, you may see some changes. ("you" being the imagined masses who read this thing.) Or, you may not - depending on if I figure out how to do it.

Wish me luck!


Sunday, January 25, 2004

My thoughts are racing. Like Indy cars but with blind drivers, every which way they crash into one another, seemingly without purpose. Part of it may be that I don't really want to think about that... or that. It may be that there are things I would like to deny and ignore. They are the most raucous on my Indy car circuit. They circle back time and again, issues inexorably linked by the matching dents and transfer of paint from one to the other.

I wish just one of the cars would finish the race.

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