A wee reply to a very funny spam name:
Dear Mr. Chinn Wangling,
As much as your name inspires faith and a bit of giggling, I fear that I cannot become your North American representative inspite of your assurance that I will make millions of dollars.
Someday I am going to write a book using only names that I have received via spam. (shut up Andrew)
I have decided that I really hate people who have dogs that they keep tied in the back yard 24 hours a day. (Hate them. I had dislike in there but it really didn't seem like a big enough word.) I am house sitting for someone who lives next door to one of these people and in that backyard there is an extremely bored and terribly unsocialized German Shepherd that I feel very sorry for, and sadly, a little afraid of. Maybe the bark is worse than the potential bite - She looks like she could have been a beautiful, loving animal but I think if I was kept on a chain about 5 feet long for my whole life I'd be pretty angry at people too - and feel like telling them all about it.
I found you, beloved piece of fleece and now I will never let you out of my sight again!