Thursday, September 15, 2005

cranky pants T.

I've been unpleasant lately. More than normal. I've felt a building resentment, a tired-of-it-all-ness, and indistinguishable anger. It's not at anyone or even any one situation... I think I overdid a few things at the end of summer. I think I started things already tired. I think I may still have a leftover issue or two to deal with more fully.

I'm going to try to be better; to get through more days smiling and to sleep enough that I can maintain it all (or at least maintain it better). I will try to stay more on top of certain things so I don't panic and become unable to start, let alone finish. I will eat more veggies and take some time for a bubble bath before I get to the point of crying in the tub 'til it's cold.

For those who've seen the brunt of these moods lately - apologies and much love for somehow still... well you know.

I am saying all this here because I sometimes find myself more committed to a public declaration. No sympathies or commentary are necessary.

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