Sunday, February 22, 2004

"Aren't you tired of them?"

"Don't you ever get sick of them?"

The people who asked me these questions just don't seem to get it. It's like asking if you're sick of your favorite food (or sick of air).

Although I guess you could, conceivably, be sick of your favorite food if you'd had it 7 nights in a row or something but let's be honest: If, on any given day, you came home to your favorite meal awaiting you, you'd be pretty stoked wouldn't you? And if you didn't eat it and the next day you learned that you could never have that meal again wouldn't you regret not having it that last time?

Music (for me) is "food for the soul" and my soul doesn't tire of my favorite music. True, there's the odd day when they don't suit my mood and so their CDs get shuffled out in favour of something else. But I'll never tire of them as an experience, the live show, the full meal deal. I can not explain it. It is as abstract and as personal as why I like the colour blue. And for those of you who are not satisfied with my answers, I'm sorry, but I just really like them.

They've touched something in me and have become so much a part of who I am that no, I can not tire of them. It would be impossible. Even after so many shows I can no longer count and so many plays on the CD player that some CDs have had to be replaced with new copies. Even after sore feet and lungs battered by second hand smoke and that bruise from that girl's elbow that time. I will be that first (only) person on the dance floor. I will cheer and clap and dance and lose myself in it on every occasion and at every opportunity.

They are my favorite musical meal and I will continue to come back for seconds and take even the smaller helpings when and where I can... until the time I hope never comes - when there's none left.

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