This one's for Jess
Because she likes seeing something new here. Because she lets me obsess in three directions at once. Because we have been through some proverbial fires and come out the other side unscathed, intact and stronger than before. Because she is a spitfire. Because once we stood in the spot and listened to him play his music and because since then we have listened to so much more - standing, sitting, dancing and driving (I hope the music never ends). Because we can spend hours in the car and still think the Ponoka Polka is the funniest thing. (I tried to figure out how to make the "vroom" thing but it doesn't translate to blog). Because we've shared evenings of wine, beer and absinthe combined with movies (both great and truly bad), playground visits and many laughs. Because I know how much all this unfinished sentence business is going to irk her. Because we would both be pirates.
For all these things I am grateful she's Jess.
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