Monday, February 09, 2004

February Holiday - cure for winter blahs

I think there should be some sort of long weekend or really big celebratory something in February. Everyone I know seems to be under some sort of cloud: Bored, sick (nothing big - just "under the weather"), unmotivated... truly blah-winter-blahs. It seems to be affecting, to some degree or other, almost everybody I know. (and a quick perusal of blogs of folks I don't actually know confirms that this is widespread indeed) There needs to be a cure. And not everyone can go to the Caribbean.

I don't actually know what that cure should be, but I think it should involve fancy drinks with umbrellas in some way. And dancing, perhaps to Latin music. We need something to shake things up.

Maybe this is the reason TV does sweeps this month? Or maybe sweeps are partially at fault?

Valentine's Day doesn't count....ooohhh don't get me started on Valentine's Day!

And do people in countries that don't have winter get the winter blahs?

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