what does his mirror say?
I wonder sometimes what he sees when he looks at himself. He is such a strange contradiction some days. So much confidence and stength in certain aspects and yet I'm never sure he sees himself. Not really.
Does he see the man he is?
The way his smile lights up a room. The way he commands attention without saying a word, his presence sometimes palpable just standing there. Can he see that the careless way he wears his clothes creates a more interesting style than any so-called stylist ever could? Does he understand that his intelligence, worn naturally and not condescendingly, is like a magnet - drawing people in, compelling them to engage in conversation sometimes for days on topics varied, or well-worn, or sometimes even pointless?
There in that moment, utterly unself-concious, eyes laughing, smile wide, stance easy and relaxed.... there in that moment... I wish he could see that in the mirror when he looks.
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