Friday, July 09, 2004

I love a good Diva

I've discovered a deep and abiding affection for drag queens. I'm not sure what it is. I'm a straight woman who grew up very small town and really never had any contact with the world of drag except on TV and in movies.

But now I see them often and in person. I have become oddly familiar with the world of drag, hung out while make-up was applied, heard stories about the "old days" when things were wild and crazy and just getting started around here. I count some of these girls as friends, and as colleagues (I work in theatre after all). I find them fascinating, thoroughly amusing, and frequently shocking (in that way I think we all need to be shocked once in awhile. It's good to be off kilter some of the time). I have been moved to tears by some - some of the best "rags to riches" or "downtrodden prairie girl makes good in the big city" stories I've ever heard have come from this world. The best of them, the true entertainers, the ones for whom it is a life rather than a lifestyle, can move you to tears and send you into fits of laughter in one breath.

Exuberant excess. The world is their oyster. And I think they're FABULOUS!

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