Today I went to see a friend of mine in his one man show. It's about his life and particularly, about a time when he almost died. It's a wonderful show: moving, funny, and ultimately it always makes you realize how much there is in life to be thankful for. And today was no different. In fact I may have been even more grateful than usual - walking out into the fresh air of potential spring.
The wonder of my life hit me with full force, even as the one stray raindrop hit my nose as I was leaving the conference centre. I live in a city that feels like home (in spite of it's lack of an ocean view). I am surrounded by people I adore and who stimulate and entertain and support me in every conceivable way. I have found a passion for new and creative types of work that I once thought well beyond my grasp. I am finding a place in this community that is mine, a place that fits and feels as comfortable as faded blue jeans but as new and exciting as first love.
I am grateful that my playwright friend is around to tell his tale - that he was not lost before I knew him, before he could point out this lesson to me. I am grateful for the many people in my life: here and there and in all those other far away places where they all live.
I am grateful for all of this, for finally finding my way here, and for much more. For today at least I will think about that, and celebrate it and try not to let the small things and small worries intrude. And tomorrow, if I slip, I can come back here and read this again and remind myself of this feeling. Sometimes, maybe that's why I write here, to remind myself....
(thanks Jer)
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