excuse the whine but I must.
There are a multitude of reasons that it sucks to be sick and single.
I am a terrible sick person. Difficult, prone to pushing myself too far without taking a break, whiny, and suddenly about 12 years old. But for whatever reason I have been lucky in that several of my past loves knew exactly what to do with me when I was ill. (shut up Collins) I've had soup, breakfast or grilled cheeses prepared for me, baths drawn, drugs brought to my bedside - the works. I've had the joy of a good man taking good care of me.
And right now I don't and it sucks. Damn I miss it. I wish I could go home to a warm blanket, and some homemade soup, and a lap to curl up on with someone not too grossed out by my raw and drippy nose to still cuddle.
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