Sunday, January 11, 2004

As often as I write (and think and talk) about missing people far away. I have recently been thinking about the fact that I, quite likely, in another age would simply have lost these people, if I'd even met them in the first place...

I owe so much of where I am now, who I know now, to communication through computers. So I want to give thanks to one of my favorite things about technology. Thanks be for the ability to "talk" through cyberspace. Thanks be for the ease with which I can (and just did) say "The send button is never hard to find".

Believe me, I am fully aware of where I'd be without it.

PS - I do know that I could write letters, make phone calls, and go visit far away friends, even without this whole technology thing. And I am even among those who are sad at the decline of true letter writing in this age of email. But I also know that, while my intentions would be good, letters would more than likely dwindle, becoming fewer and farther between, and eventually people would hear from me only at Christmas (if then).

But I know that if I had had email back when I went to summer camp, I just may have stayed in touch with that cute boy in Cabin #12....

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