Wednesday, July 27, 2005

bits and pieces

I seem to have tunnel vision, or a one track mind, or something like that. There is only one place I really want to be right now and I am distracted at all times when I am not there. It's weird - I have never felt quite so compelled to be among (and one of) the crazy people before.

I require very little personal space. I need to remember that many other people do.

OK, that's not true - I do require personal space around people I don't adore but all you folks who I am close to - look out!


Thinking alot about crushes. I love the feeling of harmless crush - the little heart flutter, the ability to fixate momentarily on someone who for whatever reason has caught your eye. I don't mean the kind of crushes where you want to date that person someday... I mean the kind where, from a distance, they can make you smile or make you wish you could clone them or make you feel somehow safe... all with that little flutter. But harmless, you know?

No Dave, I don't mean that one - don't get weirded out.


It is possible to obsess about two things at once. Who knew?

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