Friday, July 08, 2005

What is wrong with these people?

OK, I don't get it. I have no eloquent words. I am too angry, too saddened, too baffled...

Why do people put bombs on trains and buses? I have no concept of the type of person who would kill sight-unseen. I have trouble imagining killing someone under any circumstances, even in self defense. How is it possible to hate enough to simply say "those people, that bus, I don't care who's actualy in the line of fire"?

And I don't believe that there is some sort of religious reasoning behind this. (if that's even the "reason" these people would give) All of the Muslims I know would no more kill someone than I would. And I' pretty sure there's not a religious book out there that says "it's ok to kill people" let alone "it's ok to kill people you don't know and have never seen pefore just because you feel like it".

These weren't soldiers or even politicians... they were ordinary folk, going about their business. They were just like you and me.

I just don't understand it. I hope I never do.

It tears me up inside.

~ thoughts, prayers and much sympathy to everyone touched by this tragedy.

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