Monday, February 28, 2005

Blog neglect

So I've been writing alot in journals and on paper. There's been alot going on in my head. I even wrote "An Anonymous Letter to a Boy" the other day (not that you'll ever see it here - anonymous or no). I've been thinking many a deep thought and contemplating numerous meaningful topics. Really, I have.

I just haven't felt like blogging about any of it. And I've noticed a number of the blogs of friends seem to be suffering from a similar lack of new posts. I know how busy everyone is so this is not surprising. I just wanted to reassure anyone who was wondering, who may not have the actual insider knowledge of the crazy that is currently my life, that I will be blogging up a storm soon I'm sure...

...if only to discuss my lack of sleep and inability to speak in full sentences due to never enough caffiene.

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