Tuesday, January 11, 2005

He doesn't believe in karma

At least that's what he said to me that day as we contemplated his strange brand of luck. It's not luck exactly - although being around him always makes me feel lucky; I guess that's not the same thing.

Later I slipped the two five dollar bills into his pocket, knowing he'd have more use for them than I did. He protested of course, but ultimately he knew he'd need it. "Buy some vegetables" I told him.

But after I left, I was feeling lucky. (Like I said, I always did feel lucky when I saw him) So I stopped at an out of the way gas station and smiled my way through the purchase of a lottery ticket, wondering if that luck was transferable; knowing I was probably (hee) pushing my luck.

But I won! Not alot of money. In fact I won exactly $10.00. Exactly the amount I slipped into his pocket that day after coffee. For some reason it felt like more. It felt lucky. And it was more than enough to put that smile back on my face. I continue to smile as I spend the day pondering the fact that he doesn't believe in karma.

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