Saturday, December 04, 2004

...and suddenly, it was winter...

I suppose it's because it had only whispered to us so far. There were only really a few cold and blustery days interspersed with what the experts call "unseasonably warm" days. And I'm not complaining. Really. December 4th being the first double digits below zero day of the winter is really nothing to complain about.

It just somehow snuck up on me. I became accustomed to those odd days in November when I could wear just a hoodie (!!) and when wearing a skirt was not painful.

But here it is. Brush-off-your-car, make-sure-you-have-gloves, don't-go-out-without-a-hat, wish-I-had-a-remote-car-starter winter on the prairie.

Ah well. El Nino says it'll be "unseasonably warm" reasonably often this year...and really as long as there's that sunshine-y prairie sky most of the time, I'm ok.

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