Tuesday, October 26, 2004

theatrical transition

I love the smell of saw dust and paint.
I love going into the theatre and seeing the metamorphosis from empty stage to partial set, to believable kitchen with a bridge behind it (and running water, can't forget the running water - we'll win a Sterling for sure!); from piles of plywood to a counter there and a wall there, and a bridge there.
I love the grumbly techs (because techs are always a little grumbly, don't you think?) with their leather jackets, their overloaded tool belts and their variable hairstyles.
I love this time when it becomes real. When it goes from words in a script to this wonderful piece, this whole picture, this piece of art.
Maybe this is why I do this, why I deal with that overwhelming stress and rush rush rush and feeling of never being quite caught up.
Becuse I love watching it all come together.
I love this feeling of anticipation.
I love this in-between-time.

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