Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I am an open book.
It is never hard to determine my mood, my state of mind. Even those who don't know me well can often figure me out, at least on the surface. But the surface is where it all ends up, my feelings are extremely buoyant it would appear. I am unable to keep them very far below the surface.

Sometimes I think I'd love to be that woman of mystery. The one people wonder about, who always looks like she has an intriguing secret, or a story to tell. I'd love to leave that bit to the imagination. To be an enigma. Sometimes I think I'd like to be those things.

I don't always love my obviousness. And I certainly am not proud of those passive aggressive moments when I try (but not really) to hide my anger or my hurt. I wish I kept secrets better (although the ones I give up most easily are always my own). I wish I was better at "keeping a stiff upper lip".

But most of the time, my open-book-ness is fine by me. I think it lends an openness, an availability (and I don't mean it that way), a degree of being approachable that I like about me, that I'm proud of... in a way.

But maybe I wish I had a question mark... every once in awhile.

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