Wednesday, January 18, 2006

well, darn

So I have all these songs on Itunes on my computer. Mostly my own CDs that I imported so I can listen to them here at work. I have just discovered the rating system. 0 to 5 stars. And you can set it up so the ones with more stars get played more often when you hit the party shuffle button. I like this.


Being ever so discerning, anytime a song comes on by an artist I particularly like I say "Oh I like this song!" and hit the rating thing and give it 5 stars. And I imported mostly my favourite artists. So I fear that eventually, as I go through the whole play list, everything will end up with 5 stars. I think I need to work on that.

[note: when I went back to read this after having written it, it said "more stars get layed more often" and "lay list". Freudian slips perhaps?]

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