Friday, June 10, 2005

weird things I have strange attachments to and/or affection towards

I found something on the floor today and the unusual level of excitement made me think about some of the things that make me oddly happy...

1) Guitar picks. I love them. I don't actually play guitar (well, I've started to but not well enough to have lots of picks yet) but I constantly find them in odd places. I have two in my car, pretty much at all times...not sure where they came from but they've been there for years.

2) Feet. Yup. Fetish girl - that's me. (This also extends to giving foot massages. I like it.)

3) Drumsticks. Broken or otherwise. Started when I was 9 and the boy nextdoor let me keep his.

4) Drag queens. I think I've talked about this before.

5) Randomly found copies of the Watchtower.

6) Newfoundlanders... oh I guess that's not quite so strange. well, some of them are.

added later when I thought about it some more

7) Sound Checks. I love sound checks. I know - it's weird.

8) Ellipses ... ... ...

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