Wednesday, March 24, 2004

what I love....

Hardly an original idea, I've seen this done similarly several times in the last few weeks as "what I love" or "things to live for" but I was curious what my list would look like

The ocean, summer storms, great hugs (oh lets be honest - ANY hugs), pansies and gerber daisies, pirate ships, Newfoundlanders (on principal and in person), the boy and the girl, my family (both blood and chosen), Spanish movies, the Puerto Rico Professor, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies, big dogs, the quilt my mom made for me, someone singing to me, old photos, my prairie city, my coastal province, mandolins and upright bass, bare feet, my friends (they know who they are), 80s compilations, sci-fi, riding horses in the mountains, abstract art, coffee, basketball, rememberances of Summer '91, the Zoo, Celtic music, open mike nights, "a good bounce", red shoes, flannel PJs, non-black band t-shirts, musicals, sparklers, the beautiful bastard, the waterfront, St. Patrick's Day, discovering new places (sometimes in your own backyard), outdoor music festivals (especially in wild west ghost towns), the smell of bread baking, books, books, books, the teeter-totter behind Jess and Erika's place, a good kitchen party, slushy drinks, hot tubs, Buffy, my name in the liner notes, someone brushing my hair, crying at movies, Ponoka (or maybe just the mention of Ponoka), lammies on lanyards, road trips, green pens, turquoise toenail polish, big rocks to climb on that overlook the ocean.

(** the above may change without notice... it may be added to at anytime, though it will probably never be shorter)

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